Any advice please help.... I am waiting on my insurance to kick in so I cant see a doctor that will actually help yet. But I have been experiencing pressure in my chest for says now the pressure seems to be there 80 percent of the time but the actually chest pains come and go. On and off through out the day there are shooting pains from the back of my shoulder to my palm along with pinches behind my elbow. I have been very stressed and faced many losses and i know stress kills my family. Heart failure runs in the family grandma died at 60 from heart attack, aunt 49, mother 50, grandpa at 45. I don't know if it is nerve damage from an electrocution when i was 10 (it was severe power line we believe exit wound behind my heart) I have never gotten any follow up after leaving hospital. please help. I keep saying I am okay because I am only 26. Any help please thanks! I am feeling very exhausted as well am not sleeping well and very disorientated often slurring words and that really scares me. This was very hard to admit because I would like to think I am fine and will live a healthy life.... but I know this isn't normal or how one should live there life ( palm is also hurting now constantly)