So I have a couple of questions!
1. How do guys feel about pubic hair? Natural, neatly trimmed, or bald? Or you don't care?
2. Is it weird when you finger a girl? Are you making out & fingering at the same time or are you like down looking in her eyes and doing it?
3. How do you feel about fingering a girl?
4. Have any of you (non virgins) been with virgin girls? was it awkward? did it hurt her badly? did she cry? was it awesome? lol

Any more info about the finger, sex & pubic hair would be great!

And I know I've asked this 2 times before but they were deleted, so I changed the title of the questions so hopefully it will stay this time
Also, the first time you fingered a girl, do you know exactly where her vag opening was or did she have to guide you or what??