This petition is filed on the ground that I am unfit to lead a matrimonial life and am sick with certain physclogical disorders and petitioner ( husband ) has sought to declare that this marriage is void marriage. How can I get the petition completely withdrawn? Other party not cooperating for reconciliation...Otherwise what can I do to get this case disposed off as soon as possible?

For 1st hearing, we did not attend. We had a STAY put on. For 2nd hearing we appeared for the hearing, but the petitioner did not appear. Only his advocate attended.

Our advocate is trying to get the case transferred to our place. We are hopeful, that the petitioner and his people won't come to our place, and we can get an ex-decree.

But I don't want to wait so long. According to me I am better off agreeing to an annulment and getting this over with. But the advocate says that if I agree to the annulment, it would be making all the petitioner's allegations true. Is there a way to dispose of this case faster than this?

Any suggestions or thoughts on this are welcome. Kindly, ask if you have any questions.