China dynasties Now and Then
The past and present of china are very similar. What has happened in past
Chinese societies in the last 2,000 years seems to be repeating it. Ch'ing
Dynasty, over 2200 years ego, have come back, being repeated by the current
regimen. In the Ch'in Dynasty as in Chou, Han and in the present.
Confucianism is part of the Chinese social discipline and the way of the
life, also agriculture's was heavily depended on all regiments, even-though
China has begun to urbanize.
China had faced corruption since the first dynasty. As, By BC 475 In Shang
dynasty the economy as in based in agriculture and bronze metallurgy, and
urban development. But since the development of the agriculture as more
productive, the Shang system forced farmers to pay taxes in order support him
in the military labor. The commoner reject this and made rebellions,
therefore the Shang dynasty become cruel, immoral and tyrant because they
also wants to control everything in the empire. But, by (221 bc) the Shang
dynasty faced the last rebellion, in King Wen found the Chou dynasty which
believed that heaven gave a mandate to rule, which sanctioned the political
authority of the kings. During this dynasty the laws were in based of
uniform regulations, they were well-field system, also during this dynasty
the Confucianism has began, with Master Kong (K'ung, Confucius, 551-479 B.C.)
he did not intend to found a new religion, but to interpret and try to
revived the unnamed religion of the Zhou (Chou) dynasty, under which many
people thought the ancient system of religious rule was bankrupt. Confucius,
believed that the basis lay in Zhou religion, in its statecraft were the
bases of sound policy, which, he call "rituals" ( the actions beyond the
formal sacrifices and religious ceremonies.) Confucianism was represent the
emergent class of the administrators and advisers that now were needed to
help the ruling aristocracy deal with the complicated problems of domestic
administration and interstate relations. Also he was the affirmation of
accepted Values and norms of behavior in primary social institutions and
basic human relationship. Confucius ethical vision ran against the grain of
the legalistic mind of set of his day. Chou dynasty collapsed in 256 bc.
Shih Huang Ti become as emperor of the Ch'in (Qin) dynasty, which first
unified the nation in 221 B.C. This dynasty adopted landholding private, and
taxation were enforced equally and impersonally, but the wall building and
other public works made the Ch'in dynasty increasing the taxation emperor of
the Ch'in dynasty, which first unified the nation. This dynasty adopted
landholding private, and taxation were enforced equally and impersonally, but
the wall building and other public works made the Ch'in dynasty increasing
the taxation in based of repression of ideas, this dynasty was
anti-intellectual, anti-Confucianism, in addition, the literate classes were
alienated by government policies of thought control, particularly the burning
of books. therefore in (207 bc).
Liu pang proclaimed himself emperor, founding the Han dynasty, he tried to
follow in the footsteps of the Qin. the Han at the beginning changed some of
the unfair laws and taxes. As, some laws were abolished, taxes were reduced,
in order to lessened the tension of the masses. Also to promoted economy.
But The Han Empire began to fall apart as the large landholding families,
taking advantage of the weakness of the imperial government. In addition,
all kinRAB of taxes were placed on farmers to ensure that monopolize, or
become too much stronger than others citizens, in those eras. The Han dynasty
also re-introduced ideas of Confucianism as the main school of thought. These
ideas sound to provide people with jobs and titles according to skills and
merit not their lineage. So a test to find the best civil servants was
adopted. the Han dynasty had faced corruption. Also, in the present.
Farmer's were/are fed up with the taxes and corruption of the local communist
party as we can clearly see in the article of New York Times from January 8.

Regimes from both the past and the present wanted to attain a state of total
control with the help of strong police forces to help control any
disagreements or revels. With the quote of an official from china ideals of
how the neeRAB of a state outweigh individuals neeRAB the official exact worRAB
were strength is gained through unity but the rivers of the state will decide
what is the best decision. In the Han dynasty during the Ch'ang period,
sacrifice for benefit of state was new but very important. An example in the
period from AD 9 to 23 Wang Mang was murder when he tried to establish a
reform that every citizen will have equal political, economic, social and
civil rights. As in the present, in January 8 Zhang Huangli was murder
fighting for his rights.
At one time in China, commerce duly benefited the state, a feeling of
disagreement come over to people who saw or thought that the government was
using the products of farmers and not rewarding them or recognizing them.
Disagreements in China have continued to grow, according to the New York
Times article. Wanting total control and feeling Dissents will cause more
problems in the future.
The feelings of disagreements and/or dissent will feed to the problems in
china's agriculture. Violence and problems needed to be prevented as much as
possible. An example of these problems is how the Chinese dynasty, feel
apart after being in the same situation and seeing that the history is repeat.
Overview of Confucius in China culture
Recently, both in china and abroad, interest in Confucius has increased
markedly, and there has been growing study and discussion in this philosophy.
Studying Confucius helps one to understand Chinese history and culture. From
140 B.C. years ago, went Emperor Wudi of western dynasty decided to make it
the country's orthodox philosophy, until the founding in 1949 of People's
Republic, confuciaism was, whit one or two interruptions the mainstay of
Chinese thought. Its influence pervaded all strata of society and penetrated
every field of activity, from court politics to the every day life of the
common people. It is obvious, therefore that to understand China one has to
understand Confucius.
Some of Confucius' ideas may be beneficial and useful today for China and the
world. Although he was born 2,500 years ego, his views on morality,
education, self-cultivation, the mean, harmony and other subjects could be
considered to have a lasting value. Some contemporary philosophers regard
confucianism as one of the key factors in the rapid development of some East
Asian countries and regions, and a possible solution to many of the problems
besetting the world today. Confucianism was for a long time one of the main
constituents of Chinese culture. In turn Chinese culture was one of the major
forces that determined the orientation of Chinese history.
The cultural development of the Chinese nation has never been interrupted,
something like that cannot be said about many other ancient civilizations.
Although border ethnic groups more than once ruled all or a part of China,
they nevertheless failed to alter Chinese culture in any fundamental way. On
contrary, the conquerors were themselves conquered by Chinese culture. These
serves to show that military occupation and political control eventually had
to give way to cultural superiority.
To conclude, today both the develop and developing country is confronted with
a multitude of problems, of the culture is very important one. Without an
advanced culture a nation is hard to prossed to build up advanced economical
or political systems, or indeed retain them for long, even if they already