hi, i missed these on an exam

Achondroplasia (dwarfism) is an autosomal dominant disorder.A dwarf mother and a dwarf father have 4 children.The first 2 are dwarfs, and the last 2 are of normal height.
1)What are the chances of a non-dwarf child from this union?

2)What is the mother's genotype?

3)What is the father's genotype?

Color-blindness is a sex-linked recessive disorder.A heterozygous female mates with a male with a colorblind male.

4)What are the chances of this couple having a child who is color-blind?

5)What are the chances of this couple having a girl who is color-blind?

6)What are the chances of this couple having a boy who is color-blind?

The ability to roll your tongue and having freckles are both autosomal dominant traits.A woman who cannot roll her tongue, and is heterozygous for having freckles mates with a man who is homozygous dominant for both traits.

7)What are the chances of this couple having a child who is homozygous dominant for both traits?

8)Heterozygous for both traits?

9)Homozygous recessive for both traits?

10)Heterozygous for one of the 2 traits?