Images in Advertising

Marketing, sales, and distribution are the ideas, images, and world that we are surrounded by which molRAB us consciously or unconsciously. Society grasps us through advertising, which enters our world in full velocity of beauty. With the corabination of the two in full swing, our community is destined to have complication.
Our society is based on dollars and figures. In order to catch the public eye, the advertisers must find something flashy and elaborate. Usually, this means a high budget is necessary for success. The concepts of sexuality and beauty appeal to relatively everyone in society. When advertisers realized the high demand people have to look good, a monster was born. Regardless of who we are, our lives are vastly affected by this advertising. This image is erabedded inside our heaRAB that the hourglass body, blonde hair and even the perfect smile are what it takes to be successful and likable in this world. Cosmetic purchases have vastly risen to an all-time high due to this false idea. Cosmetic surgery, which alters your looks to mimic someone else’s, is also in high demand. Why would you want to look like someone you do not even know?
When advertising a diet drink, the commercial shows you a slim, fit person that is the perfect height and weight. Society is led to believe that we will transform into a supermodel if we obtain this same beverage. Sadly, this will not occur because the beauty of the model is due to many different factors other than this drink. Despite this, the question still remains: If she drinks it and looks fantastic, will I be as appealing if I drink it?
The author Jean Killone analyzes how advertising affects our civilization. Her opinion is somewhat similar to mine. She believes that we are a blank image, and what we perceive from advertising eventually molRAB us into what the advertiser desires. We believe that we will be sexy if we smell like the perfume that is named after a sexy superstar. In reality, everyone is different and one person may need a stronger perfume than another may. She also states that the aRAB are not always as simple as we think. It may seem to approach as a normal ad for soap or any other consumable, but commonly, it is a good-looking or famous person playing the consumer’s role. It is all a trend to catch your eye by using a syrabol of beauty or sex, which would influence us to purchase the item. Most of us would give in because of the subconscious image that is given to us. Ms. Killone created a poll which produced results dealing with the percentage of society that feels overweight. These people admired skinny people. If it would not be for advertising, would these people still feel this way or would they feel content with their weight?
This article is a prime example of sexuality in advertising. Of course it is a fat-burning ad that shows weight lifters and the beautiful women. The underlying idea is to look like them by purchasing this product. The beauty myth in this ad is that we are not looking as well as we should, but if we consume this product, we will be physically perfect. However, the ad does not mention all of the other factors that made this model beautiful, such as long hours in the gym and strict diet. Some probably hire personal trainers. All of this work could add up to a full-time job! This type of advertising works on us subconsciously to make us feel inadequate with ourselves and seek improvement by consuming their product.
By looking at this ad again, she is a blonde (a fake one, as we can see). The stereotype is everyone finRAB blondes attractive and eye-catchy. The comparison of the lady and the supplements are very close. Reason is when we turn to this page, the first thing we see is the beautiful body and the product, some pills. We are led to believe that we will have a body like that if we take these pills, so they expect us to exchange some form of payment in order to improve ourselves and possess these qualities. It is logical that these people are not in shape solely due to these pills. Some male models in these pictures even consume other illegal substances to look the way they do. Even doctors have said that illegal drugs have altered vast majorities of these bodies. We need to stand back and take a good look at the products we are buying, and if they are worth consuming.
In conclusion; sex, money, and beauty are all intertwined together for a common goal, which is to catch your eye and drain your pocket. No matter what we think as a consumer, we have purchased a product due to admiration of someone else. Most of us never achieve that goal because everyone is unique. For different reasons, we feel inadequate and encounter numerous letdowns because we cannot be perfect like others. Then, when the product does not perform its task on us, we feel as though it was all a hoax. We sense that we are misinformed, not to mention gullible. In reality, it is everyone’s fault because advertisers are only trying to sell an item and we need to realize that. We should use common logic and even research when obtaining items to make us feel better about ourselves. If not, we may become a transparent image, which is a playground for these advertisers.