Nichiren Shoshu and Buddhism

Buddhism was founded by Nichiren Daishonin around 1253 in Japan, also known as the Hokke or Lotus sects of Japanese Buddhism, teaches that Faith in Lotus sutra is the only source and sole requirement of salvation. He was born in 1222 in Kominato, Japan, the son of a fisherman. For years he studied and trained at the Mt. Hiei monastery center of tendai Buddhism. He then went on to preach at several places, but mainly at Kamakura. It was in 1253 when he actually founded his sect (Nichiren Shoshu) of Buddhism, but before that he had already begun to depart from Tendai teaching when he emphasized on belief in the scriptures rather than understanding of it. In 1274 Nichiren retired to Mt. Minobu, then died in Ikegami in 1282. Nichiren identified with Buddhist saints (Bodhisattvas) who upheld and proclaimed the truths of the Lotus. He endured many harRABhips because he felt that he had a responsibility to save both Buddhism and Japan, where the doctrine was supposed to be revived spread abroad. Thus he sounded a nationalistic note that was new to Buddhism. More recently in 1930 Tsunesaburo Makiguchi founded the modern sect of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. Nichiren sects include the politically powerful Soka Gakkai Lay religious organization, but they have a much smaller following than that of the true land sects, which across with Nichiren as pat of the popular Faith movement of the Kamakura era.
The people of this religion believe that chanting of Mantra, a Japanese phrase of devotion from the law of Karma or the law of the Lotus Sutra. Many Buddhist consider this Religion to be a cult because the principle of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is fulfilling all of ones desires while the traditional sects of Buddhism believe in desirelessness. Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism is a large sect of Japanese Buddhism; in fact it is the largest sect.
The key writings of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism are The Lotus Sutra, a book proclaiming to give the actual worRAB of Buddha, and the writings Daisaku Ikeda and Nichiren himself.
Karma, the mystic law of cause and effect, is the essence of reality. It is erabodied in the Lotus Sutra. Jesus Christ is not recognized in this religion, nor is the Holy Spirit. Fulfilling Worldly desires brings enlightenment, chanting the mantra: "nam-myoho-renge-kyo" brings prosperity and Healing along with enlightenment. After death one is re-incarnated many times until he or she awakens to the Buddha nature, then re-incarnation enRAB, but there is no heaven or hell.