I have a Yorkie that is approximately 3 1/2 years old. The dog is from my sister and he is some what potty trained. We are keeping this dog for about a year at least. It is a male. We can't neuter him since he will be bread at some point. We are trying to either train or re-train him to use the bathroom outside. He was pretty much allowed to do what ever he wanted at her house. I take him out several times a day. He is praised for going to the bathroom outside and rewarded a treat. He just doesn't get it. I don't think he "hikes" his leg inside because he needs to go to the bathroom. I think he is marking. We can't even one time in three months catch him in the act. You can walk out of the room for 30 seconds and he had already pissed 3 times. It is like he holds it in until you are not looking. What is the best approach here? I have seen some dos and don't but I wanted some opinions

He sleeps in the bed like a baby. If you don't let in he cry's.
He has to go where I do. Room to room. He will wake up from a dead sleep to do this.
Should I just wash all that he has been allowed to do and crack down?
Should I teach him to stay in a crate all day? We have put a belly band on him now.
The carpets have just been shampooed I am ready to just kick the little turd out .
I have seen others talk about leashing them when they potty train them. Do you leave the leash on them while in the house? If so do they just run loose with it on? I could see that you could watch them more and maybe be able to keep an eye on them better to try and catch them in the act.

On crate training...I have read on how to do this but it isn't clear if they just stay in the crate most of the time. I am home pretty much all. When he isn't getting free time or outside, do I keep him in there?