I mean there is always a thin line between kiRAB who want attention and those who are actually being tormented(not tormenting themselves). That statement may seem pretty cold, but there are tons of kiRAB out there who pretend to cut to get some sort of sympathy. I do agree that emo shit sorta glorifies the act of cutting, and attempting suicide.

It is a problem with the coping method though, i am not to say what any kid is feeling is more serious than another when they are both cutting themselves. I have dealt with quite a few people who claimed they were suicidal and it was over stupid shit, for example their mom not buying them a damn shirt or go out with frienRAB. I have met someone who was actually admitted into a hospital because she was trying to kill herself, and it sucked. Nothing i could say would change her mind and i know it's not about me or my story but i just don't get it. I've done things i regret but i don't see myself giving up. Not over a t-shirt, and not over anything. /rant