Okay I've been researching this for days, and if you are just gonna call me an idiot or whatever don't respond. If you know what you are doing it is safe...so I just bought animal stak, I also bought CEL cycle assist, PCT revolution black + finnaflex combo, as well as milk thistle, and Xtreme mass by anabolic technologies.......Diff sites said diff things can I take or is it advised to take my pct with cycle assist and the xtreme mass....or cycle the xtreme mass alone then pct and animal stak? I'm afraid the combination/brand I purchased may flood my body with prohormone, from the research I did it seemed and was said the only prohormone I bought was the xtreme mass, all others were assist/post cycle therapy, I've read people taking the revolutionary black + finnaflex a a cycle wtf??? I bought that for after my prohormone cycle. Any advice how to go about this, when and how to take this?

1. Xtreme mass (prohormone)

2. CEL cycle assist

3. PCT revolution black + finnaflex combo

4. Animal Stak

5. Milk thistle (for liver)