Hi, there are really simple questions below for my buisness course, and i just want to make sure that they are correct.

1) identify which type of audience would be most interest in the following forms of communication (options are professionals, mechanics, administrators, and curious onlookers)
Form of Communication:
A report in the form of a memo explaining how operating costs have increased over the last year. (Audience: Admistrators)

A report in the form of a memo explaining how operating costs have increased over the last year.
(Audience: Administrators)

An e-mail from a computer hardware provider issuing a recall on a series of deficient batteries.
( Audience: Curious on-lookers)

The former president's article, entitled "The secret to my success".
( Audience : Professionals)

The text of the new building code passed by the Province of Ontario.
(Audience: Administrators)

The details of the contract just reached between management and the union, representing company employees.
(Audience: Administrators)

2)Identify each of the following opning statements as either direct or indirect approaches.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their outstanding performance: (Direct)

Thank you for your application, which was received on May 2, 2006, two days after the posted
deadline. (Indirect)

Our company has implemented a variety of measures aimed at processing orders in the quickest way possible.(Indirect)

It is my decision that the following steps need to be taken to improve productivity. (Indirect)