[Emre] sent in a cool art piece he’s been working on that visualizes your voice without the use of a microcontroller.
The project is called Visible Voice only consists of a laser, mirror, audio speaker and a phosphorescent disk. The laser shines onto a mirror mounted on the speaker and is reflected onto the disk. When an audio signal is played through the speaker, the light bounces off the mirror and produces a waveform on the disk. Think of it as the lowest tech way of building a model of a CRT; the laser is the electron gun and the speaker is a deflection coil.
Right now, [Emre]‘s project displays a waveform along a circular path on the slowly rotating phosphorescent disk. Anyone wanting to copy this project could use a moving belt of the same material giving a much more linear (and straighter) waveform trace.
After the break you can see [Emre]‘s friend [Ivan] testing out the glowing laser waveform visualizer.

Filed under: laser hacks