So my boyfriend already has 3 tattoos, and just got his 4th, a mediumish upper arm piece, by a friend of his who is an apprentice at a tattoo shop. The guy port folio, all though limited, is really good. And he isn't charging for the tattoos, but obviously my boyfriend tipped him.

The deal was if it turned out good (which it did) that I would be getting my tattoo by the same guy.

Only thing is this will be my first tattoo. And I know this is stupid, but I want this tattoo (to see it big, go on this page and scroll down about half way except I want the flowers to be slighty different shades probably, maybe even some blue or something and for sure the birds to be blue jays with possibly a ribbon in each of their feet, with my Grandma and Grandpas names.

I've wanted this tattoo for at least 2 years now, and have put tons of thought into it (I've had the general idea of blue jays with cherry blossoms for the last 4 years, just couldn't find something I liked). Oh and of course, the only place I want it is my ribs. Basically, for it to go from a little higher than the bottom of my breast to my hip bone probably and on my right side.

So here are my questions
1) Is getting this by an apprentice a really extremely stupid idea?
2) Is this do able in one session? I like to think I have fairly good pain tolerance, I've had a lot of mouth work done (braces, root canals, expanders, etc.) and handled it pretty well imo.
3) Do you have any idea how long it would take? (esp since it's by an apprentice)
4) Should I eat a large meal or a light meal before hand? (I get nauseous really easy, so I want to avoid that at all costs)
4) Water or Gatorade to bring? (The dark blue Gatorade is the one thing that I can normally drink, no matter how sick I am)
5) Should I take Advil or Tylenol or something prior?
6) I work at a fast service/fast food barbecue place, where I move around tons really quick and often get bumped into. I usually work Mon,Tues, OFF Wed, Thursday, OFF Fri, Sat, Sun, would it be okay to get the tattoo done like Tuesday evening, and then go back to work Thursday? I work 5-6 hour shifts, again a lot of fast paced darting around, lifting things, etc. For my uniform, I have to wear jeans and just a typical brown t-shirt, which I normally wear a tank top under, would that be okay to wear?

Thanks so much for any advice!