I've been trying to find the name of this movie which I believe came out in the early to mid 80's. The movie is along the lines of a "return of the living dead" theme.

The plot is about a woman who wishes to join a sorority. As a part of her initiation, she has to stay the night in a crypt house.

The sorority members who are initiating her began playing tricks and games to try to scare her. However, I believe a vase that belongs to one of the dead accidentally gets knocked over. This sets off the dead who awaken from their caskets and began tormenting the teens.

The only other thing that I remember is a part where some girls were playing "kick the can" in one of the hall ways, and the lead character's boyfriend driving his motorcycle to rescue her from the crypt house. I have no idea what the name of this flick is. Does any of this ring a bell to anyone?