We get bombarded with press releases daily. Our inbox overflows with brand new iPhone cases and cheap LED manufacturers in china. We generally have no interest in sharing obvious product advertisement with you. However, some people understand what we’re interested in. Redbull gets it. They’re embracing hackers and running contests that promote DIY/hacking. Last year, we saw some cool results from their contest.
So, we’re happy to announce that this year, they are doing it again! Only this time, the contest will come to the location of the entrants! If you qualify to be one of the final teams involved, they’ll set up to stream live from your home workshop/hackerspace for the contest. You might be thinking, “aren’t you just advertising for red bull?”, we feel that as long as they’re promoting hacking, they’re advertising for us!
You can catch the details after the break.
DREAM BIG, CREATE BIGGER, SHARE WITH THE WORLDIn it’s Second Year, Build Competition Red Bull Creation, Brings the Innovation Home

NEW YORK – June 15, 2012 – Calling all hackers, builders and inventors in between! Red Bull Creation, the 72-hour themed innovation competition, is returning for its second year with a new digital format, upgraded technology and higher stakes. Last year’s marathon brought the best groups of four to Brooklyn to create side-by-side. This year, the competition goes TO the top makers, individually or in teams across the country…taking place in their own domain, using their own tools. The possibilities are endless.
Red Bull Creation will predominately live online starting with any interested possible competitors registering after June 15 and receiving a “Bullduino”, our version of an Arduino—an open-sourced single board wiring platform. Show us your skills by making something using the Bullduino and upload a video by July 3. No specific topic this round, just a maker and his or her thoughts. Twelve teams or individuals will be selected by a panel of experts by July 5 to participate in the 72-hour live build.
The real action takes place while the dozen “chosen ones” work simultaneously around the country in their own workshops, hackerspaces or homes to innovate around a common theme. That theme will be announced at the beginning of the 72-hour build set to begin on July 19 – 22.
What fun is making something if you can’t share it with all your friends…and their friends…and a few other hundred thousand interested strangers? Follow and interact with Red Bull Creation from the qualifying stage to live-streaming of the build competition online by checking in on our hacker, mobile and tablet ready website:www.redbullusa.com/creation. Explore the facts, see past teams and innovations, learn what’s being built and talk to current competitors live— who knows? Maybe you’ll even contribute a great idea.
The Red Bull Creation builders will build, the makers will make and the public will vote online. High scoring teams will take their creations to the ultimate stage— the Maker Faire in NYC 2012. Home to over 40,000 visitors across two days, the Maker Faire is a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness. Beyond the opportunity to show, share and learn with like-minded tech enthusiasts, engineers, artists, etc…Winners will take home $10,000 for equipment to further encourage their creativity.
Filed under: contests