Zimmerman appears in the footage with bandages on the back of his head and his nose, offering some corroboration to his claim that Martin attacked him.
According to the 28-year-old, who is currently in a Florida prison awaiting trial on a charge of second-degree murder, Martin saw his pistol and tried to grab for it. Zimmerman said he fended Martin off and was able to reach the gun himself.
"I just grabbed my firearm and I shot him one time. After I shot him he sat up. I didn't think I hit him because he sat up and he said 'Oh, you got me. You got it.'
"I thought he was just saying: 'I know you have a gun now, I heard it, I'm giving up'.
"I don't know if I pushed him off me or he fell off me either way I got on top of him."
The 15-minute clip ends with Zimmerman describing how he put up his hands as police officers reached him.
The footage was part of a tranche of evidence released by Zimmerman's lawyers following a failed legal attempt to keep it out of the public domain.