i just wanted to know, what should i do in the following situation,
okay, so i'm a reality based self defense and street fighting instructor and i have this student, he's been training under me for 6 months now, now in street fighting as we all know there are not many strikes that can be used, only the most basic, direct and the simplest, now the student, today out of nowhere in the middle of his training, in front of the whole class, stops and asks me that instead of training in the street fighting thing why don't i teach him more advanced and complicated things?
now why did he say that? well, he claims that before he joined i told him i'd teach him advanced techniques, originally what i said was that there are many advanced techniques but they're not useful in a street fight as they're fine motor skills which take years to develop, unlike gross motor skills or what people call the basics which can be picked up and applied quite easily.
now in front of my other students, he says to me that i broke my promise and am not teaching him what i had promised, i still kept my cool, as the class was going to end in about 10 minutes or so, but he just wouldn't stop talking, so i had to let my class go 10-15 minutes early, then after they were gone i told him, that i didn't promise him anything like that, i promised him that i get him as ready as possible for real street fight situations and even that may take time according to how he's progressing, he still won't hear anything about it, just kept on saying that i'm not who he thought i was, these were his exact words btw. i still kept my cool and tried to explain it to him, the concept of street fighting and self defense, which i already had explained on his first day here. but ultimately i just thought, fine i'll just teach him some advanced techniques today, so he can see that they're not as useful as he thinks they're, now in the middle of me teaching him, before i can explain the whole technique, he stops, interrupts me and goes, "what? these techniques are not effective on the street." and i was like, "well what the hell have i been trying to tell you all along then?, were you not listening to me?" and he says "i didn't know they wouldn't be effective, this was pointless". i mean can you believe this guy? seriously?
now the thing is this guy because of his financial condition was unable to pay all his fees, and i let it go, because i thought that just because of someone's difficult financial situation, they're not allowed to train to defend themselves? it's not fair, so i let his fees go, and i told him that whenever you're able to pay, that's okay by me, and today he tells me that i told him that he didn't have to pay me anything. why the hell would i say that?
now, he doesn't pay anything, he doesn't dedicate himself to his training, i mean, coming to class half and hour late and then wanting to leave early is not exactly dedication you know. and then he tells me what i should teach him, and when i do, he criticizes me and says that i'm teaching him ineffective techniques, advanced techniques that he forced me to teach him, insulting me in front of my other students. so i finally lost my temper today, i didn't hit him or anything but i just shouted at him, i was on the verge of hitting him though, because it was obvious that this guy was manipulating me according to how he wanted things to be in my class. anyway, now i just told him that whatever the hell he thinks i promised him, he can come tomorrow for an hour or so and i'll teach him and then he will not return to my class ever after that, he then says no i don't want to risk anything, and that he was scared of what happened today, so i told him fine then and i hung up. i didn't ask for his remaining fees or whatever, because i just want this stupidity to be over. so it's like out of 6 months he trained 5 months for free.

now this kind of thing with a student, has happened to me the second time now, i haven't been an instructor a long time, in fact i'm just a beginner as an instructor, a year and a half is nothing, so i really don't have any experience with these kinds of things, so that's why i want to know from the professionals who have been in this career for a long time, so i know that in the beginning i will have to face such stupidity frequently, so what i want to know is what should i have done, and what should i do now? what would you do? will that guy spread false rumors about me, just out of spite? how can i avoid this in the future, all i have learned from this is never lose control of your class and ask for the fees first. all help would be good, but i especially want to know more from the current instructors themselves. Thanks in advance.