I want to parse a blank text input.
Code: <input type='text' value='' />
But the problem is, it's not possible as far as I know. The rationale is this is to tell the user at the resulting html page that the text input is blank:
Output: ---no input----
If I placed spaces on the value attribute of <input />, I would be violating my aim. If in case the user deleted the spaces either accidentally or intentionally, it would appear that putting the spaces are useless in the first place.
Output: (some other parameter and not a blank input)
The thing is, I'm not allowed to put directly the attribute
value='---no input---'
For this exercise, I am restricted to C (not objective C, bash, C++, C#) and to make matters worse, no javascript. The parsing method I used was calling the function strtok_r(). If you know some way to work around this problem, please answer.