Over the years how has science and society shaped your interpretation of masculinity and femininity? How does that effect how you view men and women? Also do you agree with the definition of masculinity/femininity that you've come to know? Also do you think your perception of men and women are sound or skewed? Below are my interpretations and views if you are interested.

Feminine Women= childlike. completely helpless. slightly mentally disturbed. completely victimized. Not very smart, not very strong, easily troubled emotionally. Manipulative. Fiscal parasites. Passive. low achiever, domestic, docile.spiteful. hateful. non sexual creatures.

Masculine Men= Very limited emotions. Only feels hunger, sexual arousal, and anger. Are incapable of understanding emotions of others. Incapable of understanding why someone is upset/angry/sad. Physically strong, intelligent, and articulate. Fiscally responsible. Aggressive, violent. High achiever. Selfish. extremely sexual creatures.

Do I agree with the definitions of masculinity/femininity that I've come to know?= No I do not.

How does that effect my view on women?= Even though I know these definitions are false because for them to be true it would be a constant in all men and women, not just case by case. I still find myself holding biases against women. I tend to think a majority of them are not educated in science/politics. Ultimately I tend to think that they are overly emotional, childlike, and helpless. Which is completely insane considering that I am a woman and I know these traits do not exist in every woman. Yes its skewed.

How does that effect my view on men?= Even though I know these definitions are false because for them to be true it would be a constant in all men and women, not just case by case. I still find myself holding biases against men. I do tend to think men are less emotional so I'm not as sensitive when speaking to them. I'm often surprised when men behave "overly emotional" in certain situations. I tend to think that men have aspergers. I tend to think that men don't have much substance to them other than wanting sex. Ultimately i tend to think they are sex hungry robots. Yes its skewed.

Masculinity/femininity makes it hard to remember that men and women aren't two different species and that they are human beings. Masculinity rejects men the right to have emotions and/or be victimized. Disabling them from expressing human needs/wants. Femininity rejects women to the right to adulthood and or social Independence/equality. Forever victimizing and coddling them, and refusing to see them as capable human beings. Even though I understand this, it is difficult to remember due to the majority rule mentality of society. There is such an emphasis on masculinity and femininity that those who point out the fallacies of it are ridiculed.