For all the talk I hear of racism from the left, it seems like the left are the only ones really bringing up race. Can they not accept that Mr. Obama has simply done a terrible job as president, and that the rest of us have legitimate criticisms regarding him?
I'd never heard that saying until you brought it up. Case in point.
Don't give me that "it's all Bush's fault" BS. Bush was not responsible for accuring more debt in three and a half years than every other president in history COMBINED.
The same can be said of Obama's supporters as well. It's a sad fact that most people who debate politics don't know a thing about the subject, and so ad hominem is all they can utilize in arguing their point.
Pete M,
I referred to our former president as Mr. as well... I find that more respectful than simply using his last name, though I do tend to do so without thinking about it.