seasons on Earth are caused by the _ of the Earth axis as it _ around the sun

Does the distance of the Earth from the sun matter in causing the seasons?

The phases of the moon depend on how much of the lighted side of the moon can be seen from the earth true or false?

About how many days are there between the new moon and the full moon?

what are the complete names of the phases of the moon that come after the new moon and before the full moon List them in order

Why do we only see one side of the moon?

what occurs when the moons shadow hits the moon?

what causes a lunar eclipse? what is the phase of the moon during a lunar eclipse?

why do more people on Earth see a lunar eclipse than a solar eclipse?

during a solar eclipse, why do some people see a partial solar eclipse and see a total solar eclipse?

the rise and fall of the level of the ocean are called _

what is the path the earth follows in its revolution around the sun called?

what is astronomy?

what causes the phases of the moon, eclipses and tides?

what causes the phases of the moon you see?

If you can answer any of these, I'd be greatly appreciated. Thank you.