Why is it that whenever you buy a device, for example an iPhone, that the product says 16 Gb when in reality the capacity of memory is only 13.76 Gb. Of course, this is NOT the only time this has happened. My computer was supposed to have 250 Gb of memory but only has 227 Gb. Please, linux users and android lovers, I know apples are assholes because of their restrictions.

Also, what happened with Moore's Law? I bought a computer 8 years ago that has about the same clock-speed of the current processors. I understand the limits of a silicon chip, but I'm starting to think that 'The Man' is holding out of allowing the public access to the capabilities of computers. Let me know what you think of this.

By the way, my first personal-computer was bought while I was in college back in 1999. (although I was using a computer back when DOS was used. cd/WTF) anyways, this computer was 13 Gb, 500 MHz and running Windows 98 - This was prior to plug-and-play which came with Windows XP. Also, I had to install an ethernet card into a PCI-Slot because that capability wasn't there. My oh my, how time flies and the exponential growth of computing power is most impressive. Moore's Law: what happened with it?