I'm already taking karate 3 days a week. But I would like to add maybe a hip-hop class.. would that be a good idea to help me get more fit? I'm also thinking maybe horse back riding too.. but even though I love horses. I think maybe taking a hip-hop class would help me more to get fit. I heard it does, but I'm wondering if it could actually help you lose a couple of pounds. What do you think? I'm also thinking of taking a Jazz dance class too.. so it'd be 1 or 2 dance classes a week, and 3 days a week doing karate. Do you think I could get fit faster by doing that? and to get fit, should I take the jazz class or the hip-hop? I've taken Jazz before a couple of times, but I never really stuck with it though. If I want to get fit a little faster, should I take the hip-hop class, jazz, or horse back riding or. Hip- hop & horse back riding, & karate?? Which combo would be better?

I'm also trying to stick my diet to an under 1400-1500 calories a day. If I do all of this by next November could I lose maybe 15-20 lbs? Maybe more? Which classes that I'm interested in do you think would be more productive on getting fit/losing weight? thank you so much for the answers in advance.

Oh and for dance shoes for the hip-hop class. What shoes should I be wearing, cuz I know sometimes certain dance studios have shoe requirements, sometimes even no shoes on the dance floor at all. Should I wear my tennis shoes, or jazz shoes??