He said he'd like to go to Patagonia. Altered by a state of consciousness,when time was no longer linear & lines would blur to white, the neatly typed helvetica would read Pangea & I would be lost in un-treaded thought wondering if only we could glue the world back together again only to hear him speak of a concept mentioned in Kabbalah known as Tikkum Olam, the idea that we inhabited a broken universe with the duty to mend it. Unfamiliar with such an outlandish notion I'd be forced to google it & with a better understanding I couldn't help but think that maybe we were the pieces. He'd deem me a wise soul though I'd call it naivety,in a world of infinite information anyone who claimed to be wise was pompous & worse off than the naive, I thought he must be in tainted mind set as well because we then spoke of spirit animals & I was titled a zebra perhaps because I was a cross breed of naivety & self acclaimed intelligence or maybe it was my ability to use my camouflage against myself left to stand out in a crowd, perhaps simply because the zebra was a well disguised horse,a charlatan, whilst he was left unlabeled, thus a plan was born to set off in search of our modern day Pangea to seek our inner beasts.