I'm curious. I wasn't able to open/see the code for an .swf file, but when I did a "find and replace", selecting "find in source code", it seemed to work. However, some of the replacements did not work (eg trying to replace links or copyright dates, simple things). The thing is, even though Frontpage does some of the replacements, you can't actually see the code within the .swf to manually make those additional changes. I need something SIMPLE like "OPEN WITH" NOTEPAD (or something easy like that where I can see text to manually replace). IS THERE ANYTHING LIKE THAT? Things like swf decompiler, while nice, are way over my head. THANKS for helping me.
Robert & Charlie--No, I don't want formal decompilers. Just a quick right-click tool where I can quickly see the TEXT ONLY, so I can do quick text replaces, when necessary without giving my swf a total enema, fu know what i mean