I'm a guy in the military and I was wondering, what would the military do if I started taking female hormones? I mean you can buy them at GNC or Vitamin World so it's not a prescription, and they don't test for it in a drug test. Plus I could still do my job everyday, so what would they do?
I am well aware that DADT doesn't effect Transgenders, there are ways around perscriptions though. take for example the Flat2Fem program. it uses herbs to kick start breast growth. Military didn't ever say I coudln't use herbs. but lets just say I got some bad info and was told taking this herb would help me say, loose weight. I took it until I noticed I had a nice A cup. I stop taking said herb and go to medical. now I can still do my job as normal, I can still perform physical fitness tests without any problems, only now I have to wear a bra. I realize this is an extreme case that would never happen, but I'm asking what if. this has never happened as far as I know.