If you claim we need to have awful desires to have free will, then how much do we need these awful desires?

Do we each need to have a 17% desire to rape and murder, before we officially have free will?

Whatever percentage we need to have these awful desires, I'm not sure if God configured me correctly, because I don't feel any desires to rape or murder, and I'm worried it's affecting my free will.

I mean, sure, one can say I 'choose not to rape and murder', but that's obviously what I'm going to choose, because I have no desires to do these acts.

That hardly warrants me being awarded with congratulations for not committing these acts. It isn't hard for me not to do them. In fact, I desire NOT to do them.

Surely I need to be created with the desires to do these acts, so I can THEN say 'ok, I want to do these things, but I want to please god, so I won't'.

In a similar way, I could never accept credit for abstaining from drinking vodka - I don't like vodka, so it's not hard to not drink it.