I am stuck on some questions for my CCD homework. If anyone could provide some insight, that would be great!

1. Only the Church has the promise of ___________________ from Christ and authority over all men.

2. If a politician votes against abortion, he will lose the election. Therefore he won'y be able to work for the moral position on other issues. So it would be better for him to vote for abortion so he can stay in office and work on other moral issues and perhaps gradually persuade his constituents to be against abortion as well.
^^ Based on that, fill in the blank.
"We are never allowed to perform a bad act for a good end. In this specific case, he is performing a certain ____________ (voting for abortion) for a doubtful good (he may be able to advance other moral causes).

3. Name some examples of from current events of societies where the individual has been subordinated to the state.

Forgot to mention this earlier...I am Catholic, and this is for CCD homework.