i be brief as possible. ... Me and my ex was having some serious relationship problems (oh we have a 3y old daughter..and being together for 6y) and she wanted to end our relationship and soon after (3 months) she started seeing a new man, and since she was always amendment she did'nt want me back, i also started seeing a new girl and in the meantime my ex has since fallen out with the new bloke and we have being txting each other saying things like "we cant be together it would never work but you know we both still love each-other still, and always will) and i know she right as i do still love her very much and i have since bean down and had sex with her a few times ... i know its wrong and i shouldn't be doing that since i have a new GF, but i just couldn't help it as when i look into her eyes i still feel the same love i always did and she knows that. its kinda we cant live with each-other and can live without each-other its very confusing i know, because it is. ... i now my new GF loves me and i do feel guilty for what Ive done and for bringing her into this situation as she done nothing wrong....ive tried not loving my ex ive even tried hating her but who am i kidding ? ... i would love not to see her at all maybe that would help but i cant coz we have a daughter whos 3y and she dont understand what going on .. so if i see her i see my ex then my heart runs away with its-self and before i know it we in bed. ...grrrrrrrrrrrrr ..