If I mention this in my appeal for financial aid, what sort of proof would I need to provide? Most importantly, would it be approved?
"There was a time during this semester that my family was going through financial problems. We are seven siblings in all and because my parents do not have jobs to support us, we greatly depend on cash aid to help with living expenses and financial aid for help with our studies."

I've already gave our financial information when I was applying for financial aid.

If not,what can I appeal? In my understanding, financial aid is needed for those who cannot go to college because they cannot afford it. Reasons I've read that are eligible are death/sickness in the family, serious illness on your part or anything beyond the student's control. Money is out of my control. My financial counselor recommended I appeal. I know I can do better the next coming semester because I've actually planned ahead this time. This is my first appeal and also my first semester at this school. My reasons for being behind in classes may not be a valid reason in their eyes but I know I can do better. I admit, I had a bumpy road during the process of enrolling. First, I had financial aid almost taken away from me because I was mistakenly written down as an out-of-state citizen and because I was expecting to use the financial aid to buy my books and some of my classes hadn't listed the books I needed, I was late in buying the materials. Second, one of my classes was cancelled and I had to quickly find classes that would accept me late. Those may not be valid reasons in their eyes but that is the truth and I was told to tell the truth when it comes to these things. I don't think my grades were that bad. My final grades were 2 "C's", a "B" and a "D". The reason for the "D" was that it was the class I was accepted late in and was far behind on. The minimum G.P.A I could have was a 2.0 in order to be eligible for financial aid. I was recommended by my financial counselor to appeal but I don't know what would be a valid excuse in my situation. Would telling what I just told be valid enough especially since this is my first appeal? I am sure of myself that I would do better and am looking for a way to prove that. I am starting as early as possible to find out what I need and even keeping a student planner ahead of time.
To Cassie: I did seek help, especially for the class I had a "D" in but the instructor wouldn't offer any. The reason I got the "B" was because I did as much work as I can with help from the instructor from that class.