1) Saudi Arabia helped America to have their Army in their land while atta cking Iraq

2) Pakistan helped America to atta ck Afghanistan

which resulted in killing of billions of muslims for the sake of Oil in iRaq & Mining in Afghan

these Saudi Arabia & Pakistan are Kaffir countries self-proclaimed muslims who are anti allah

inshalla soon iRan Shia will massa cre Kaffir Sunni that help America and prediction is this..

Year 2013 ) iRan will attack Saudi Arabia & Pakistan
Year 2013 ) Millions of kaffir sunni will be publicly slaug htered for blasphemy
Year 2014 ) Shia will take over Mecca and Kabha will be protected from kaffir sunni shall not enter
Year 2015 ) world wide mass acre of sunni to spread islamic peace

masha allah