My durango is making this noise like a vacuum cleaner and the higher the RPM the louder the noise is (i call it my jet engine). Its not a high pitched noise or a grinding, just sounds like a very loud house vacuum. If the car idles it doesn't do it and it only happens every once in a while sometimes it lasts for a few seconds other times it has lasted for a good 30 or 40 minutes. When the car is making the noise then it seems like i am not getting up to speed nearly as fast and there is hardly any power, when the car is not making the noise it runs just fine. At first it was only doing it for the first few seconds after starting it and i thought i was just cold but the more time goes by the longer the problem lasts. now my car makes the noise about 60% of the time it is on the road, acting up at random times not just when its cold or hot. Also the RPM's are normal when it is making the noise. I would really appreciate if anyone could help me out and let me know what might be going on with my car.