It's for my first year microeconomics course study. I don't know what is implicitly meant by the phrase 'only two countries open to trade' and why there is 'a bushel of wheat'. I mean there are only cotton and cars. How can I measure a price of wheat in terms of cars when there is no indicative words about wheat whatsoever? Some one please help.

Below is the question:

Utopia and Myopia can both produce cars and cotton under conditions of constant per unit costs. The opportunity cost of a car in Utopia is 50 units of cotton. The opportunity cost of a car in Myopia is 300 units of cotton. The most cotton Utopia can possibly produce is 100,000 units and the most cotton Myopia can produce is 300,000.

Q. If these are the only two countries in the world that are open to trade, what are the maximum and minimum prices that can prevail to make trade worthwhile on the world market for a bushel of wheat (in terms of cars)?