okay so i have owed a debt to Bank of America since august and now i guess NCO Financial is taking care of the debt now. i have read some bad things about them online about them but I'm still not sure about what i should do. should i pay the debt to them or should i pay it to Bank of America? Has anyone every paid a debt to NCO financial?
okay so i have owed a debt to Bank of America since august and now i guess NCO Financial is taking care of the debt now. i have read some bad things about them online about them but I'm still not sure about what i should do. should i pay the debt to them or should i pay it to Bank of America? So I'm guessing it isn't a good idea to give them your bank info over the phone, but is it safe to pay online? Has anyone every paid a debt to NCO financial or had any problems after paying a debt to them?
Bank of America did try to collect from me but i never had the money to pay now NCO tells me i have till he 31 of this month to pay so i had to ask around to barrow money. i just don't know witch way to pay them because they said the money order wouldn't make it by the 31.