1. The size P of a certain insect population at time t(in days) obeys the function P(t)=900e^0.0lt
a. Determine the number of insects at t=0 days
b. What is the growth rate of the insect population?
c. What is the population after 10 days?
d. When will the insect population reach 1260?
e. When will the insect population double?

3. The population of a colony of mosquitoes obeys the law of uninhibited growth.
a.If there are 1000 mosquitoes initally and there are 1500 are day 1, what is the size of the colony after 2 days?
b. How long is it until there are 30,000 mosquitoes?

4. The population of a southern city follows the exponential law. If the population doubled in size over 13 months and the current population is 70,000, what will the population be 5 years from now?