...terrorist? israelis claim that they r defending themselves from what they call "Palestinian terrorists" who attack israel day & night ,in an attempt to justify the horrible attacks carried by israel against the Palestinian ppl.
But according to the numbers i mentioned,which is from an israeli newspaper(haaretz)
it looks like the opposite is happening,
when israel kills 660 Palestinian,at least 75% of them r civilians,BABIES&women&demolishes 292 Palestinian houses in 2006 only.
at the same time ,the Palestinians killed only "23" israeli in one full year!
i think that things look different than what the israelis r claiming!!
its very clear by the numbers,that israel is mass killing the Palestinians while the Palestinians r trying to defend themselves and resist the israeli cruel aggresion against them.
according to those numbers,who do u think is the terrorist& who is the victim?
numbers talk
(excluding the HOLOCAUST going on today in Gaza