moved to Pensacola, FL 3 years ago to the day. Since I moved here I have had terrible luck in the job area. This state is a "right to work" state, more commonly reffered to as a "fire at will" state. That is pretty much what has happened to me since I moved here. I've been given odd reasons as to why I have been termintated from this job or that job. Now if I was a terrible employee i.e. -showed up late, didn't work hard, disregard for company rules/policy then I can definetly see why I was let go! But anyway, I am interested in getting a job offshore. I found a website, you pay them $19 with a 30 day money back guarantee and basically show you how to go about getting one of these jobs. I'm really interested in this type of work and want to get in an entry level position. I don't want to get scammed and waste my money but I've been looking everywhere and can't find any other info. Can anyone out there help me? I really just want to work and take care of myself!