Hii,,does anyone have any ideas on some questions to put in my survey about difference in australian society??

we have to choose a type of group in australia and i have chosen to do it on Blacks/African Americans.

and ask questions about like-is australa tolerant on different people what about that of african/black background etc.

i already have-
1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word difference in reference to people?
2. Who do you find different in Australian society?
Muslims Emos
Africans Gays/Lesbians
Asians Tattoo artists/people with tattoos
Indigenous people Bikies
3. Are you accepting of people who are different in Australian society? Yes/No
4. Are you accepting of people who are of African background? Yes/No
5. What or who influences your reactions on your point of view about difference toward the African background?
6. Do you believe that Black/African American people are treated fairly in Australian society today?
7. What comes to mind when you hear or see the word African? [tick as many]
Gangster Tall Loud
Athletic Friendly Rude/Ignorant
Good dancers Criminal Ghetto
Uneducated Thugs Good singers
8. Do you believe people in Australia misconstrue the African culture for something they may not be? Yes/No
9. On a scale of one to ten, ten being positive, where do you fall as having a positive or negative attitude towards people who are different to yourself?

..any ideas for a few more 'difference' questions and about australian society towards africans/blacks/latin american..
..and are these questions good as well..??

much help greatly appreciated so much thanx in advance!!!