I certainly do. Just look at j3w-made movies like Borat and Bruno, they portray a weird Muslim and a Gay Austrian, still don't understand what this has to do with anything? Well; Austrians, Germans and Muslims are the J3ws greatest enemy and by making a movie about a anti-semitic muslim and an anti-semitic gay Austrian is supposed to send the message that anti-semites are stupid and gay.

Here's another example; South Park. Cartman, the anti-semite is fat and has no friends, the j3wz use characters like Cartman to show that anti-semites are stupid, fat and have no friends.

Also, have you noticed that most whites in hollywood are j3wz? Just saying.

Do you agree?
Jamaican Pride - Jews are controlling the media, why don't you read what I wrote? There's an obvious Jewish influence in the media
itsme - The jews are forcing multi-cultarism and want the US to crumble.