So I have a Power Mac G3 (Blue & White), and the last OS version I can remember is 10.4.9. I remember having it up around Christmas, but I don't remember when it stopped working. It has all Dell peripherals (even keyboard and mouse are Dell), and when I power it on, it does the usual chime, logo and spinning gear, and progress bar along with saying "Loading Mac OS X...". Normal, all until it goes to a blank blue screen with a spinning gear. I let it run for an hour once, still nothing. I have installed one third party app though, SecuRemote VPN-1, which let my mom go remote to her work computer and broke through the firewall her company has, and I remember seeing a black screen once that showed something about it, but I'm not sure. I don't want to waste a perfectly good computer, or spend it's worth paying Apple Support! Please help!