I have a problem with my perl script. I have variables $L for all letters and $AV02 for some suffixes.

my $L = "[aeiuoyâäáÃ*êëéèîïÃ*ìôöóòûüúùbcdf ghjklmnpqrstvwxz]";

my $AV02 = "ik|i\*ke|ig|i\*ge|loos|lo\*se";

My input is afrikaans words that is hyphenated by an asterisk ( * ). :
eg. nut*te*lo*se

The regular expression I use for this word:

if ($token3 =~ /^($L+)(\*)($L+)(\*)($AV02)$/)
$token3 = $1.$2.';'.$3.$4.$5;

where the following is supposed to happen:
$1 = nut
$2 = *
$3 = te
$4 = *
$5 = lo*se

but it does not want to work that way. It does not see "lo\*se" as a unit.
It keeps using another rule where it breaks up "lo\*se"

Is there something wrong with my variable $AV02?

Hope you can help me!