Okay, before you respond please know what your talking about. I dont want any responses along the lines of "Well lab drug tests can test for anything" cause that is not true. Do not respond if you don't know what 5-MeO-DIPT is. And also please do not respond with hate answers.

Okay, Well my boyfriend experimented with 5-MeO-DIPT or foxy methoxy last saturday. It was a capsule of so he thought 10mg.
THat doesn't really matter, what matters is if he'll pass this drug test is his dad is giving him.
When he got home saturday, is dad drug tested him and sent the test to the lab. He passed completely but his dad is crazy (in my opinion)(super paranoid and not understanding) and is sending the drug test back to get it tested for everything testable..
My boyfriend does not do drugs on regular basis at all, and is really smart about it. He knew this wasn't going to show up on the test he figured his dad would give him.
But now, we're a little worried. Is there anyway, this drug test will come back with ANYTHING resulting as positive?

10 points to most helpful advice and information.