I have to write a paoer 10 pages on the amish culture. we have 3 people in my group so we each have to write maybe 3.5 pages. its a collaberation project! i have to do the subject of religion and beliefs, relationships/marriage and i did the history. right now i have an intro paragrapg immediatey followed by 1 body para on the history but now i have to get to the religious aspect and need help! can i do another intro paragraph (sort of an overview of their religion b/c i need to explain it) for the religion they believe in an tell about it in general and then separate body para's for the diff aspects of the religion. so w/in the religion topic i need to mention salvation, the holy bible, the sabbath day (church services and langue of), their view on pride, forgiveness, obiedience to god, and kindness. so do i make an intro para and a new body para for each? i also have to talk about marriage , courting practices and relationships. do i do the same for that?