other MMORPG games? It's perfect for it.
The way that the smartphone has an integrated QWERTY slide-out keyboard and a D-Pad is a huge reason why, but the fact that it has a vibrant and clear screen along with a 550MHz processor should make it possible. It even has 256 MB of RAM, even though it requires around 2GHz and 1GB RAM to play Runescape successfully on a computer running Windows Vista, I think that it will work fine on the Milestone. It doesn't have the Operating System slowing it down because Android is fast and simple.

Other phones I think that could be suitable are:

The Nokia N97 32GB (Not Mini)
The reason I think this phone could be used is because the operating system isn't sluggish and it has a good keyboard and D-Pad. The only thing I think that could be wrong with it is that not many developers would be willing to create programs for just one phone, not many top-class phones like this N97 use Symbian OS.

Nokia N900
This smartphone is one of the most powerful mobiles available, combining this with a decent keyboard is great. There isn't really much else to say about this, but this phone could be great for it.

Basically I just think that Jagex need to widen their market, I don't play Runescape anymore but I would be willing to give it another time if I didn't have to slave away behind a monitor for weeks, and instead could be playing while I'm out and being healthy. World of Warcraft doesn't have much potential though, the only reason Runescape is a problem on mobiles is the fact that even SmartPhones now don't support Java to a high enough degree, World of Warcraft however would need to be installed - and that would take up around 10GB.

If it is impossible to get these two games on a SmartPhone, do you atleast agree that a developer should start working on a MMORPG, or RPG that turns heads for a change? I know that if something as big as Oblivion where to be released for a SmartPhone, the mobile would not only sell the best, but the app would be easily the best selling thing in SmartPhone history.

If there is nothing like this available, and there is no promise of one, I am definitely looking into creating an RPG App for Android, as soon as I get my Milestone in a few days.