...kindness, goodness, faith....? gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law." I may be wrong, but I interpret that last sentence to mean these things no person or government can bring a charge or have a problem with. That's interesting to me because if this is true, these traits are unifying in the appreciation we have for them, whether we possess them or not. So, do unbelievers and cynics agree these are honorable things? Even if you ridicule religion, do you respect a person with these traits and hold them in high regard?
oops, said "faith" twice. Now what did I leave out..hmmm
Buddy, track with me on this. I'm wondering if your problem is with people who say homosexuals are sinners or people who do it with the wrong attitude. For, whether wrong or right, if a Christian genuinely believes that homosexuality is against God's will, that is a right of personal views I'm assuming you would defend. It is the same as a homosexual saying the Christian is wrong in interpreting the Bible that way. Both says the other party is wrong. The homosexual is saying the Bible is irrelevant or misinterpreted, and the Christian saying the homosexual is wrong. Why is one more wrong than the other? Should the right to hold different views on a subject not be protected?