16. The main factor in Britain establishing partial control of Egypt, making it a protectorate, was to
A. force Egyptians to extract rubber from the region’s rubber trees.
B. force Egyptians to mine gold and diamonds.
C. protect British interests in the Suez Canal.
D. block the French from expanding its colonial empire.

17. The United States supported _________________________ to build the Panama Canal.
A. an uprising in Panama against Colombia
B. the financing of a French company
C. the control of Panama by Colombia
D. revolutionaries in Panama who defeated the French

18. Victory in the Spanish-American War allowed the United States to force Cuba to include the Platt Amendment in its new constitution. This amendment allowed the United States to do all of the following things EXCEPT
A. collect debts Cuba owed to Spain.
B. intervene in Cuban affairs.
C. lease land at Guantanamo Bay for a naval base.
D. approve all foreign treaties with Cuba.

19. One factor leading to European imperialism in Africa was the desire for __________________ to manufacture goods.
A. slave labor used
B. land where they could build factories
C. cotton, rubber, coal, and metals
D. rare woods and minerals used

20. The United States declared _______________________________ by issuing the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary.
A. Cuba a colony of the United States
B. North and South America off-limits for further European imperialism
C. war on the French empire in Mexico
D. Panama an independent nation no longer under the control of Colombia

21. The United States sent troops to several Latin American countries in the early 1900s with the stated goal of restoring civil order. Which of the following was NOT one of the countries to which the U.S. sent troops?
A. Haiti
B. Dominican Republic
C. Puerto Rico
D. Nicaragua

22. The ____________________ people, under the rulers Shaka and Cetshwayo, resisted colonization for 50 years until the British annexed their kingdom as a colony in 1879.
A. Algerian
B. Zulu
C. Nigerian
D. Egyptian

23. ____________________ is a philosophy that argues certain nations or races are more fit than others and that it is natural for the fit to rule the less fit. This philosophy was an important factor leading to European imperialism in Africa.
A. Social Darwinism
B. Extraterritoriality
C. Imperialism
D. Nationalism

24. Which of the following is considered to be the most positive long-term effect of British imperialism on Indian society?
A. Many Indian men were hired as sepoys to fight in the British army, which decreased unemployment.
B. Christian missionaries were invited by Britain to spread their beliefs throughout India, which led to major changes in Hinduism.
C. Britain built transportation infrastructure in India, which boosted the industrial economy.
D. The Indian Civil Service employed many educated Indian citizens, which motivated young people to get an education.

25. Which of the following was a cause of British imperialism in India?
A. Desire to correct the trade imbalance between India and Britain
B. A weakening Mughal Empire
C. Desire to spread Christianity to India
D. Indian nationalists began attacking coastal trading posts