my task is to develop and deliver a power point presentation to attract coporate sponsorship to your theatre company from a sporting organisation.

600 words
1st 100 - about the theatre ( statement of your theatre companys purpouse and philosphy behind producing shakespeare, name of your company, about your company and how you present shakespeare)
2nd 100- why is shakespare important (already done)
3rd 100- whats your target audience

Last 300 words- what are the benefits for the potential coporate sponsors

So i need to find a sporting team that has done something bad, and they will sponsor my theatre company which will give them a better name and make a more diverse age range.

I just need some help guys
please help, any parts that you can offer help on please do, if you know of a sporting team that has had some people that have done bad things or has a bad name ( it needs to be an australian team, it can be afl, soccer,rugby, cricket any sport that is in australia, and on a domestic level) so if you can add anything please help
