ok, so here's the deal.. i've been having some marital issues with my husband due to the fact that he's always on craigslist looking for things he most definitely shouldn't be looking for. now, i know the iphone has a craigslist app which i know he's downloaded in the past, used, then deleted. he told me on several occasions he wouldn't redownload/reinstall it but how do i find out for sure he hasn't been? it's so easy to just install, delete, then reinstall apps later without anyone ever finding out. if this helps, we're both under the same contract and everything so i can easily check out billing information, data history, and things like that online. on a slightly different topic, there have been times he's simply used safari on the iphone to access craigslist and then just deleted the browser history. is there anyway for me to recover the browser history he's deleted? or is there some way i can "spy" on his iphone to determine whether or not he's been lying to me? i'm most worried about him deleting then reinstalling apps without my knowledge and surfing the web on his iphone and deleting his browser history. i know it's not ethical for me to "spy," but believe me, our marriage has suffered enough from this in the past and if he's still continuing to do what he so strongly insists he stopped doing, i need to end our marriage or go to desperate measures. so please, don't tell me about how "unethical" what i'm trying to do is or tell me to just leave him. i'm simply asking for help regarding his iphone. thanks so much in advance!

by the way, i have no money to be spending on "spy software" for the iphone. so i need a free and efficient way to do this.