Please know that i know very little about php, i was just asked to try to figure out how to do this for a local boy scout troop.
Currently it is giving the field for first and last name, and asking if first class or above. then after pressing continue it asks if they have completed swimming. After pressing continue, i want it to store all the data collected so far and ask the next question, if they have completed first aid and so on. Right now, after pressing the second continue button for swimming, it circles back up to the first and last name, and if they are first class of above again. any thoughts?
<TITLE>Voyager Bay Merit Badge Sign Up Page 2</TITLE>
We are currently renovating this part of the site. Please check back later.
echo '<form method="GET" action="page2.php" name="meritbadgesignup">';
echo 'First name: <input name="firstname" type="text" /> ';

echo 'Last name: <input name="lastname" type="text" />';

echo "Are you going to be First Class or above before the first day of camp?";

echo '<input type="radio" name="firstyear" value="Yes" /> Yes';

echo '<input type="radio" name="firstyear" value="No" /> No';

echo '<input type="submit" name="submitone" value="continue" />';
echo '</form>';

$firstyear = $_REQUEST['firstyear'];
$submitone = $_REQUEST['submitone'];
if ($submitone == "")
echo "";
if ($submitone == "continue")
if ($firstyear == "")
echo "Please Answer";
if ($firstyear == "Yes")
echo "Please Hit submit at the bottom";
if ($firstyear == "No")
echo '<form method="GET" action="page2.php" name="meritbadgesignuptwo">';
echo "Have you completed swimming?";

echo '<input type="radio" name="swimming" value="yes" /> Yes';

echo '<input type="radio" name="swimming" value="no" /> No';

echo '<input type="submit" name="submittwo" value="Continue" />';

echo '</form>';

$swimming = $_REQUEST['swimming'];

$submittwo = $_REQUEST['submittwo'];

if ($submittwo == "")

echo "";

if ($submittwo == "Continue")
if ($swimming == "")

echo "Please answer if you have completed swimming";

echo '<form method="GET" action="page2.php" name="meritbadgesignuptwo">';
echo "Have you completed First Aid?";

echo '<input type="radio" name="firstaid" value="yes" /> Yes';

echo '<input type="radio" name="firstaid" value="no" /> No';

echo '<input type="submit" name="submitthree" value="Continue" />';

echo '</form>';
$firstaid = $_REQUEST['firstaid'];

$submitthree = $_REQUEST['submitthree'];

if ($submitthree == "")
echo "";
if ($submitthree == "Continue")
if ($firstaid == "")

echo "Please answer if you have completed First Aid";

echo '<form method="GET" action="page2.php" name="meritbadgesignuptwo">';
echo "Have you completed Camping?";

echo '<input type="radio" name="camping" value="yes" /> Yes';

echo '<input type="radio" name="camping" value="no" /> No';

echo '<input type="submit" name="submitfour" value="Continue" />';

echo '</form>';
$camping = $_REQUEST['camping'];

$submitfour = $_REQUEST['submitfour'];

if ($submitfour == "")
echo "";
if ($submitfour == "Continue")
if ($camping == "")

echo "Please answer if you have completed First Aid";


echo '<form method="GET" action="page2.php" name="meritbadgesignuptwo">';

echo '<div>';
echo '<select name="PeriodoneDropdown"> ';
echo '<option value="Emergency Prepardness">Emergency Prepardness</option>';
echo '<option value="Photography">Photography</option>';
echo '<option value="Camping">Camping</option&g