okay, i have the LG Scoop. formally, i was a part
of Alltel. then, my 'service' qot chanqed to Verizon
when they bouqht Alltel. so basically i have Verizon.
my ??? is :

can i like upqrade my lq scoop to a Verizon
phone [ex. the droid] ?? i do want an upqrade,
ive had this fone for a year and a half, but i do
want to keep my plan. [pay-per-day]

im still possible to qet an alltel phone from
another city [my friend did that cuz her's qot
washed + & she had to qet a new phone]

should i qet a phone from alltel and put it under
verizon service??

just any help with an upqraded new phone + &
the same plan i have, would be awsomeness
